Reto Achermann

Recent and Selected Publications

Some of my recent and selected publications are listed below. See "All Publications" for a complete list of publications.

>> All Publications

Velosiraptor: Code Synthesis for Memory Translation (to appear).
Reto Achermann, Emily Chu, Ryan Mehri, Ilias Karimalis and Margo Seltzer.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'25).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification.
Andrea Lattuada, Travis Hance, Jay Bosamiya, Matthias Brun, Chanhee Cho, Hayley LeBlanc, Pranav Srinivasan, Reto Achermann, Tej Chajed, Chris Hawblitzel, Jon Howell, Jacob R. Lorch, Oded Padon and Bryan Parno.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 30th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '24).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Sharding the State Machine: Automated Modular Reasoning for Complex Concurrent Systems.
Travis Hance, Andrea Lattuada, Reto Achermann, Alex Conway, Ryan Stutsman, Gerd Zellweger, Chris Hawblitzel, Jon Howell and Bryan Parno.
Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'23).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Why write address translation OS code yourself when you can synthesize it?.
Reto Achermann, Ilias Karimalis and Margo Seltzer.
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS'23).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Beyond isolation: OS verification as a foundation for correct applications.
Matthias Brun, Reto Achermann, Tej Chajed, Jon Howell, Gerd Zellweger and Andrea Lattuada.
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS'23).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Synthesizing Device Drivers with Ghost Writer.
Bingyao Wang, Sepehr Noorafshan, Reto Achermann and Margo Seltzer.
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS'23).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Enzian: An Open, General, CPU/FPGA Platform for Systems Software Research.
David Cock, Abishek Ramdas, Daniel Schwyn, Michael Giardino, Adam Turowski, Zhenhao He, Nora Hossle, Dario Korolija, Melissa Licciardello, Kristina Martsenko, Reto Achermann, Gustavo Alonso and Timothy Roscoe.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'22).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Fast Sparse Decision Tree Optimization via Reference Ensembles.
Hayden McTavish, Chudi Zhong, Reto Achermann, Ilias Karimalis, Jacques Chen, Cynthia Rudin and Margo Seltzer.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'22).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

Cache-Coherent Accelerators for Persistent Memory Crash Consistency.
Ankit Bhardwaj, Todd Thornley, Vinita Pawar, Reto Achermann, Gerd Zellweger and Ryan Stutsman.
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'22).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

NrOS: Effective Replication and Sharing in an Operating System.
Ankit Bhardwaj, Chinmay Kulkarni, Reto Achermann, Irina Calciu, Sanidhya Kashyap, Ryan Stutsman, Amy Tai and Gerd Zellweger.
Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'21).
[ .doi ] [ .pdf ] [ .bib ]

>> All Publications


The University of British Columbia
Department of Computer Science
2366 Main Mall
ICICS Building, Office 341
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

achreto [at]
+1 604 827 2446